Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Way Back Home To The Catholic Church part II

This is The second part of my conversion story. If you have not read part one, click here.

Now a couple of months or so had passed by since having the experience of seeing Jesus and having him speak to me in such a profound way. The only thing though is I never even really thought too much about what had happened. I kept living the same way that I was but I was beginning to have more of an interest in God. I bought a few books and read them and was feeling the pull towards Him.

At the time I was working at a Restaurant as a waiter. (Boy did I despise doing that job. For all of you that wait tables for a living I have MUCH respect for you. I have never tipped lousy since :) One night was especially bad. I had made quite a bit of money that night. The most I had done in weeks. After I got finished counting my money for the night, the end result was not what I had expected. I lost over $100 somehow and brought home almost nothing. At this point I broke. I couldn't take it anymore. (Just to interject here, it wasn't just the money it was everything surrounding me at that time and I just popped) I felt like I was depressed all the time anyways, and this just was the icing on the cake. I didn't know what I was feeling. I was angry, sad, frustrated. I just couldn't take living my life the way I was anymore. 

On my way home while I was driving I started letting it all out with God. Crying hysterically. I couldn't control myself. I yelled and cried out to him saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry please help me! Please!" Now when I tell you this keep in mind I was still driving my car on the Florida Turnpike. It was late probably sometime around midnight, so nobody was really on the road. I felt something like a rush into my soul and I was suddenly in a beautiful place under a tree. Everything was perfect. Tree's, grass, just awesome and peaceful. (The only thing I can guess is that this was some sort of inner locution. I wasn't aware at all that I was still driving my car)  I could somehow sense or maybe even see the Spirit of God coming across this vast land. He was coming towards me and as he reached to were I was he said to me "So what have you learned?" My response back to him was "I learned that I need to be more like you"As soon as I had completed that phrase I felt an INCREDIBLY POWERFUL rush into my soul. It was absolutely AMAZING! The joy that
I felt in that moment couldn't even come remotely close to the greatest joy felt here on earth. I can't even begin to describe it correctly. Amazing! That's all I can say. At that moment I knew exactly how God sees us and the enormous love he has for us, and I understood the relationship between us. If you were to ask me to describe what I understood...I couldn't even tell you. It was something I knew just in that moment. 

After it was over I came to somehow and was still driving my car. I was on cloud 9 after that. I felt great and was praising God all the way home. Since that very day I have not been able to go through a single day without thinking about Jesus. My life in that moment changed forever. I am completely aware of my sins and realize the need for conversion each and everyday. 

Now in part III I will explain why I am Catholic. Something that could come as a surprise is that I was ready to be part of any Church out there. I left that part in the hands of God himself...

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